Friday, April 7, 2023

Stages of Dental Implant Surgery

Planning for dental implants may involve the services of several specialists, including an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specializes in conditions related to the mouth, jaw and face; periodontists who treat structures supporting teeth such as gums and bones; prosthodontists who design and fit artificial teeth; or occasionally an ear, nose and throat specialist.


Stage 1: Implant Placement


Before dental implants can be placed, the jaw must be healthy enough to support them. A bone graft may be necessary in this instance.


Bone grafts can be created using either your own bone, or synthetic material. They usually take several months to heal and may be done during the same surgery as an implant.

This stage of the procedure involves cutting into your gums to expose bone beneath, then drilling holes where a metal post will be installed. As the bone grows around this post, it becomes strong and stable.


Success of your dental implants depends on how well you care for them after the procedure. Just like natural teeth, dental implants require regular brushing and flossing to stay healthy and functioning optimally.


In addition to regular at-home dental care, it's also wise to visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups. These visits give you the chance to ensure both your implants and surrounding bone are in excellent condition, as well as to detect any potential issues before they become bigger issues.

Dental implant surgery typically involves several stages, each of which is important for ensuring the success and longevity of the implant. The first stage is the consultation, during which the dentist will evaluate your oral health and discuss your treatment options with you. This is followed by the placement of the implant itself, which involves making a small incision in the gum tissue and inserting the titanium post into the jawbone.

After the implant has been placed, there is a healing period of several months during which the bone fuses with the implant in a process called osseointegration. Once the implant and bone have fused together, an abutment is attached to the implant, which serves as the anchor for the replacement tooth. Finally, a custom-made prosthetic tooth or bridge is secured onto the abutment, completing the dental implant procedure.

At Dental Implant Turkey, our experienced dentists use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to ensure that each stage of the dental implant procedure is carried out with precision and care.


Stage 2: Abutment Placement


Once the implant has been successfully placed, a second minor surgery will be needed to attach an abutment - this connector piece connects the implant with your dental prosthetic (crown, bridge or denture).


Once your gum tissue is exposed, you'll receive a local anesthetic before your dentist caps it over the implant post. You may experience some discomfort and pain at this stage but this should subside within a week or two.


Once your dentist has placed the final dental restoration on top of the abutment, it can be a single tooth crown, bridge or full-mouth prosthesis to replace multiple teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.


During this healing period, it's important to take extra precautions with your oral care routine and keep your teeth as clean as possible. Doing this can reduce the risk of infections or complications like peri-implantitis that could arise during recovery.


Stage 3: Crown Placement


At this stage of the surgery, an artificial tooth (crown) is attached over the titanium implant. The crown is custom-made to match your smile's teeth in color, shape and



This process may take several visits, depending on the dentist's preferences and how many teeth need crowning. At the initial appointment, the tooth to be crowned is examined and an impression taken to send to the dental laboratory for fabrication.


At this appointment, patients may receive a temporary crown to protect their implant while it heals. Once osseointegration has taken place, the dentist can remove the temporary crown and insert a permanent one in its place.


The healing process for dental implants can take anywhere from 4-6 months and involves the integration of your implant with your jawbone. This crucial step ensures your replacement tooth functions correctly and lasts a long time.


Stage 4: Bridge Placement


Bridges are an affordable solution for replacing missing teeth, and they can typically be placed in just two appointments. During the initial visit, some enamel is removed from the abutment teeth to make room for the prosthetic.


Once these have been taken, a dental impression of the abutment teeth is sent to a lab for fabrication. At your second appointment, they will install the bridge and ensure its fit is perfect.


Your dentist will numb the area to keep you comfortable during the procedure. If you are anxious or experience difficulty with pain, IV sedation may be recommended.


The implant post is embedded in the jawbone, creating a secure and strong bond with it. This process is called osseointegration, and it's essential that you follow your dentist's aftercare instructions so that you can continue enjoying optimal oral health.

Stages of Dental Implant Surgery

Planning for dental implants may involve the services of several specialists, including an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who specializes ...